Many of us, this us refers to most of the Iranian youth at my age, have had a traditional parents in our life. Despite the variety of believes which any person has, one can not easily live with complete opposite ideas of their parents. This can have different reason based on factors, but three main points come to my mind. First of all, the traditional treated children respect their parents even if they believe against yours, so it make it hard to discuss with them and satisfy them to. Some children don't take care if their parents become sad about their behaviors or beliefs, but most do.Moreover, the families and communities are looking for finding any thing wired happen in families, so that they can talk about it with each other. This is one of the worse situation which can be happen and make parents so stressful about the consequence of their children's breaking Taboos. The last reason is society. In general, the society train and advertise may things that you can barely find any young and adult boy or girl to follow them. We can infer culture from these advertises, however main majority of adults don't even pay attention to them. In concussion, it's hard for a person coming from this culture to break the Taboo and live his/her life as he/she wants.